Day 4 - Prayer, Inspiration, and bonding
Noelle Eberly - March 21st, 2023
Reaching about mid- trip we all are so hungry for the Lord and eager to be used in new ways. Before the sun rose we all woke up for 6am prayer with some of the church members and school kids. This was such a sweet time that bridged many conversations. With a bit of sleep still in our eyes we came back and rested until it was for us to give presentations on our different majors. The children from the school gathered as we each inspired with them with many different activities and information from the majors we are pursuing in college. After a long afternoon of sweating in the heat the team walked to the beach and enjoyed a great time of team bonding in the Caribbean sea. Having spent time with children and our teammates we concluded the night by spending time with the Lord by journaling. We continue to be in awe of this Island and God's children here.
Beautiful morning prayer
Getting to share our passions and majors with the children
Team boding at the beach
Inspiration and hope for the children to one day purse a higher education
Complete devotion in the Lord, for Colombia and our team