Devo Pages

Get a feel for what the Lord was speaking on with the teams and subscribe to receive updates while teams are on site.

Live a life of love

How do we live a life of love in an unknown land? For a team who stepped into Colombia for the first time, see how they were able to love on the people of Cartagena, Colombia

peace and Submission

To submit is to hand over all to Him, so how do we find peace in submission? Follow the team as they navigate what it means to submit to Lord and find peace in Him.

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The story He is writing doesn’t end when we come back. The difficulty of understanding short term missions is that we often don’t get to see what the Lord does after we get back. Thankfully, this is an opportunity to do just that. Every time we step foot in a place where the Lord has called us there is mountains being moved that we don’t see and transformations we might not know. It’s all in faith and the knowledge that His plan will prevail. This is also the platform to send prayers and encouragement to the team!

Blessings :)