Jessie Abraham
Jessie is 20 years old and is from DC. She is a junior at PBA studying intercultural studies. Jessie enjoys traveling, hanging out with friends and trying new foods. Since coming to PBA, Jessie has discovered a love for sharing the gospel overseas. She is so excited to see what God is in store for Colombia '24!
Matias Uribe
Matias is a senior at PBA studying Psychology with a minor in film production. He grew up in Florida and Colombia and has a passion for writing, photography, and sports. His dream is to share the love of Jesus with all and be the light the Lord has called us to be. This will be his second time going on this trip but he knows the Lord will move in a mighty way.
Meet the Team
Emma Cousens
Emma is a freshman at PBA studying nursing. She grew up as a missionary kid in Senegal, West Africa. She has four younger sisters and 3 dogs. She’s never been to South America but is so excited for her trip to Colombia. She loves playing sports and going to the beach. She also loves singing especially worship music.
Keelan Tidwell
This is Keelan Tidwell! Keelan is Missionary Kid who grew up in Chiang Mai, Thailand and he is studying graphic design. Keelan loves to play soccer, make music, and he is learning Spanish!
Chloe Brizendine
Chloe is a freshman at PBA studying Marine Biology. She has lived in South Florida for her whole life. She is interested in writing, animals, and anything outdoors. Most of all, she loves being in the ocean! This is her first time on a mission trip and she is so excited to be representing Jesus in another country and spreading his love to children.
Gwendolyn Bishop
Gwen is a freshman at PBA studying Management and Dance. She’s from upstate New York and has lived there her entire life until now. She loves dancing, singing, and the beach. She can’t wait to see God’s work and love in Colombia!
Annabelle Niles
Annabelle is a freshman at PBA studying Marine Biology. Growing up in rural upstate New York, Annabelle loves to adventure outdoors, travel, and play music. Colombia will be her first mission outside of the US and she looks forward to all that God will do through this opportunity.
Manuela Vargas
Hi I’m Manuela,
I am from Hollywood Florida. I am from Colombian descent and I’m very proud to be Colombian. I love traveling and trying new things. I love playing volleyball, tennis and pickle ball and just being outside in nature.
Miah Chavez
Miah is currently a freshman at PBA majoring in Graphic Design. She grew up in a peruvian household in Gaithersburg, Maryland. She has one older brother and three really big dogs. She loves photography, listening to music and all things nature. She’s excited to be able to reach the kids in Colombia and share the love of the Lord.
Sara Bohrer
Sara is a sophomore in college and she is currently in nursing school, studying to be a nurse. She grew up overseas in China and Thailand as a missionary. She has a heart for missions and serving others with her hands. Sara loves watching sports, but especially soccer and doing anything artistic. Fun fact about Sara, she loves birds and bird watching!
Daniel Lessa
This is Daniel Lessa. Originally from a small island in the Amazon jungle, in Brazil, he’s a freshman at Palm Beach Atlantic University pursuing a Marketing degree with a concentration in Franchising. In the verge of exploring a new country, Daniel prepares himself through prayer and by diving into the word of God before arriving Cartagena/Colombia to share the love of God.
Mikayla Smith
Mikayla Smith is a sophomore at Palm Beach Atlantic University. She is pursuing a degree in Popular Music Industry. Her passions include music and ministry- two things she believes can be intertwined to act as a form of worship. In regard to Colombia, she is excited to witness how God can be glorified through the simplicity of His people. Through connecting with His people, loving on His people, and do life with His people, she believes, if our heart posture is right, we will be worshipping through it all and God will be glorified through it all.
Lydia Cross
Lydia is a sophomore at PBA pursuing dance. She loves to spending time outdoors, reading and writing, dancing, and exploring the world. She is thrilled to be able to join the team being sent out from PBA to Colombia in the spring of 2024!!!